Friday, 24 February 2017

Puss in Boots Show

Today we went to the Puss in Boots show.  It was awesome!  They sang a cool song about porridge and did some great slow motion moving.  Their acting was really clever.  We had so much fun!

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Te Reo learning

We have been learning the correct pronunciation of te reo Maori using lots of waiata (songs).  This waiata is proving to be a tricky one to get our tongues around!

Boat building and testing!

What a lot of fun we had today testing out our boats or waka that we had made over the past week. There were some great designs.
Easy Blog Photo

Friday, 10 February 2017

The early stages of Statistics

This week we have launched into learning about statistics.  At the early stages this is all about being able to group things or classify things according to an attribute.  Then we move on to bringing those groups together to compare and contrast them using simple graphs.  Here is some of what Mrs Stuarts maths groups have been doing.

Waitangi Day Learning

What a great start to the year we have had.  Our first two days were spent getting to know each other as we have 8 new students in the Matai Hub.  We also took a look at a picture of someones depiction of Waitangi Day which has sparked lots of discussion and interest.  We learnt about questions and had a go at asking a few of our own.

Welcome to Matai for 2017

We are the teaching team for Matai this year and we look forward to getting to know you all if we don't already.  We are excited about the year ahead and all that's planned...and spontaneous! This year we welcome Mrs Leeana McKenzie onto the Matai team as the Piwakawaka Caregroup teacher as Miss Gibson takes a years study leave.  Please come along and connect and be part of the team as we all work together for the well being of all the children in Matai!  
Mrs Jane Stuart, Mrs Judy Clayton and Mrs Leeana McKenzie