Thursday, 25 February 2016


We were learning to keep a rhythm against other rhythms. Enjoy the music we created without bought instruments.

Tuesday, 23 February 2016


We discovered a patch of light. We started making shadow puppets. We wonder...
  • Why do they come out when they're light and not dark?
  • Why can't you see your mouth, eyes and face in a shadow? 
  • Why do shadows follow your movement? 
  • How shadows work? 
  • How does the sun make shadows? 
  • How do they look like animals? 
  • Why do your hands not look like animals, but the puppets look like animals? 
  • What is a silhouette? 
  • What happens to your shadow when you move your hands closer to the light or further away from the light? 

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Fun at playtime

Have a look at our creative playtime activities. We are actively involved learners!
Easy Blog Photo
We are using loose objects in the playground.

Our wonderful new playground 'loose objects'.

Today we had another play with the 'loose objects' (kindly donated by the Hartshornes). We are putting them to good use! Have a look at our motorbikes, including one that is doing a wheely
Easy Blog Photo

Monday, 15 February 2016


Easy Blog Photo
We are learning to run. When we run we pump our arms, run on the balls of our feet and look ahead.

Saturday, 13 February 2016

Inquiry learning

This term our inquiry learning is begin recorded mainly on the Google Slide (as seen below). There is a page up the top where you can go straight to inquiry learning links.

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Lucy and the Weaving Loom

Easy Blog Photo
Ever wondered how to weave. Here's a tutorial that might help you. Lucy is working on our class loom.

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Ants (and welcome back)!

Who would have guessed that the first post of 2016 (on this blog) would be about ants?

As I am sure many of you have heard, the juniors have recently discovered a lot of ants. These have become a much studied and talked about source of excitement.

 Here is a video could help you learn something new about ants. Post a comment to share something you know or have learnt about ants!

P.s. Welcome back. We are excited to have you here with us!