Monday, 12 December 2016


Tukutuku preparation

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Ollie weaves the border for our tukutuku panels.

Poi E

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Ruby and Eva decided to learn the poi moves to Poi e, which is a song we are learning at the moment. They designed these costumes from some material we had in the dress up box.

Tick tock, Fix the Clock

We are learning about setting. We created these dioramas to show one of the settings from our chapter book. We used clues in the story to help design it.

Charlotte's Web

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This is my 3D farm. The barn is white with the window border green . The cloud is grey. A horse, pig, cow and sheep are on my farm. Fern is the girl .isn't. it cool?

Charlotte's Web

We are learning about setting. We created these dioramas to show one of the settings from our chapter book. We used clues in the story to help design it.

Friday, 9 December 2016

Sam and Charlie love Pudding

We are learning about setting. We created these dioramas to show one of the settings from our chapter book. We used clues in the story to help design it.

Christmas and choreography

This dance was choreographed by these dancers and rehearsed before presenting to Matai. Well done team. You are working at early level two for dance in the performing arts.


A creative dance. You choreographed this yourselves and had to solve several problems that arose. This was well presented and showed no sign that you had had any arguments. You persevered to create a wonderful, thought out dance!

Poi e

We have been learning to use poi. We are dancing to the song - Poi e.

A mouse in the mall

We are learning about setting. We created these dioramas to show one of the settings from our chapter book. We used clues in the story to help design it.

Matai's Video on Friday, 9 December 2016

Matai's Video on Friday, 9 December 2016

Matai's Video on Friday, 9 December 2016

Matai's Video on Friday, 9 December 2016

Matai's Post on Friday, 9 December 2016

Amy plays twinkle twinkle

Matai's Post on Friday, 9 December 2016

Lexie Declan Isla twinkle twinkle version

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

We read a story called 'Buttercup'.  The author used some interesting words instead of "said".  We made a brainstorm of these and thought about how we might use these in our writing tomake it more interesting for people to read.

Learning about the word 'before'

In maths today the Rectangles group were learning about the number that comes before a number up to 10.  We talked about the things we do in our day.  For example we get dressed BEFORE we come to school.  We have a story BEFORE we go to sleep.  That helped us learn that a number that comes before another number means we have to count backwards.  We recognised that BBBefore starts the same way as BBBackwards!  That might help us remember to count backwards when we're talking about a number before another number.

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Preparing for Armistice Day

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We have been learning about Armistice Day.  We are making some poppies for a wreath that we are going to present at our Armistice Day service on Friday.

Gardening with Mrs Martyn

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We were really pleased to have Mrs Martyn in the Matai Hub today to help us transplant some of our seedlings into the tubs and pots that people have provided for us.  We were very aware of the safety precautions when working with potting mix.  Mrs Martyn told us all about seedlings that need to grow in a hot house and ones that can be planted outside.  You can come and check out our pots all planted outside the Clearing.

Thursday, 3 November 2016

Tuesday, 1 November 2016


WALT to summarise and synthesise what we read. To do this we need to read about something, take some notes and then put away the book. Once we have done this we can write down what we have learnt.

The Rainforest

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WALT to summarise and synthesise what we read. To do this we need to read about something, take some notes and then put away the book. Once we have done this we can write down what we have learnt.

Our Creation!

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This is our design, complete with instructions

Powelliwhanta Snail

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WALT to summarise and synthesise what we read. To do this we need to read about something, take some notes and then put away the book. Once we have done this we can write down what we have learnt.


Easy Blog Photo

WALT to summarise and synthesise what we read. To do this we need to read about something, take some notes and then put away the book. Once we have done this we can write down what we have learnt. The

The hunter spider

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All about giraffes

WALT to summarise and synthesise what we read. To do this we need to read about something, take some notes and then put away the book. Once we have done this we can write down what we have learnt.

All about Cheetahs

WALT to summarise and synthesise what we read. To do this we need to read about something, take some notes and then put away the book. Once we have done this we can write down what we have learnt.

Number formation

The younger students have been persevering in learning to form their numbers correctly.  Lots of practice and careful looking.  Well done team - you are making good progress.

Monday, 31 October 2016

Our emerging knowledge of life-cycles

We are learning how to write explanations. This is a shared piece of writing. We drew life cycles to help our planning as we watched the video (below).

Tukutuku design

We are designing tukutuku panels for our school. Here is one design by Moana

Clara's Do

This was created as part of an investigation into how plants grow. We have learnt that plants make their own food, have roots, nodes, flowers and leaves.

Origami and using easy blogger

A big thanks to Levi, Harrison and Nate for their origami work and showing us how to use easy blogger to post and talk about our work!

Monday, 24 October 2016

Look out - writing alert!

Here is a snapshot of some amazing writing that was spotted by Miss G. Enjoy.


Little gardens have been a source of fascination, with some students taking on the responsibility to watering and planting the seeds, then nurturing the seedlings. Here is a snapshot of what goes on!

Washing Socks

These girls decided that they wanted to wash some socks that were found in Matai. This led to some procedural writing (instructions) with Mrs Clayton. Here is a snapshot of their experience.

Sharing with the hub

Well done Ruby and Emma on getting up and sharing about your garden with the whole hub!


Friendly Dinosaurs: The Movie

Fish by Lucy and Lilly

Saturday, 15 October 2016

Geology emerges

The study of rocks has been picked up this term. A special thanks to one of our school students who modified this game to help teach us about the rock cycle (and gave permission to us to link it through this site).

Have a go!

The rock cycle is a great site which helps teach computer programming. This incorporates literacy, coding, logic, problem solving, geometry and more.

Connor's statistics

You can interpret graphs and make simple statements about them. Your next step is to use and interpret keys.

Connor's statistics

You can interpret graphs and make simple statements about them. Your next step is to use and interpret keys.

Statistics reflection

You showed you could interpret simple graphs. Your next step is to explain why one graph is better to use for displaying data than another.

Statistics reflection

You showed you could interpret simple graphs. Your next step is to explain why one graph is better to use for displaying data than another.

Statistics Reflection

You showed you understand how to interpret a simple pie chart and make simple statements about it. Your next step is to understand how to use a key.

Statistics Reflection

You showed you understand how to interpret a simple pie chart and make simple statements about it. Your next step is to understand how to use a key.

Statistics Reflection

You demonstrated that you know how to create and interpret simple graphs, including tally charts. Your next step is to explain your thinking in greater detail.

Statistics Reflection

You demonstrated that you know how to create and interpret simple graphs, including tally charts. Your next step is to explain your thinking in greater detail.

Statistics reflection

You demonstrated that you could interpret simple graphs. Your next step is to use more detail when describing graphs and reflecting on your work.

Statistical literacy

Lexie: You demonstrated that you have a sound understanding of how to use and interpret tally charts, as well as a range of different graphs.

A viking house

This was built after reading about viking houses.

My playground

The Magician

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Comparing Weight

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A viking's house

A viking's house

A creation...

Monday, 10 October 2016

We went on a seed walk

We went on a walk around the school, trying to notice different things in our environment. 

I found...

I found seeds! Emma J
I found flowers. Wiena
I found leaves. Kushaan
I found tree - ordinary trees. Sam V
I found a leaf that smelled like herbs. Ben
I found out that there were no seeds on some of the bushes. Kasey

I wondered...

How the seeds grow and how trees and bushes and flowers come out of tiny seeds. Levi
I wonder how many more seeds there are in the world. Cohen
I wonder how the flowers get different colours. Kjell
I wonder how things grow. Avril
I wonder how they grow from the dirt. Flynn
I wonder why the soil and the water go together to make the plant grow into an adult. Izzy.

I know...
I know the flowers will grow into different colours. Hayden
I know when water goes onto the grass it makes it muddy and gets water down to the seeds.
I know that trees will grow very tall. Sam.

Bubbles: A Poem

The Plant Kingdom - Audio files


Friday, 1 July 2016

Ben & Amy write a book

We hope you enjoy this wonderful book. It is aimed at beginning readers.

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Matai on Wednesday

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Marvellous Mrs Martyn has been back to Matai and has taught us a new song on the piano about a kakapo. Some created kakapo art while others worked at PMP.

Friday, 10 June 2016

Miss G's Post on Friday, 10 June 2016

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Congratulations to our learners for getting their special awards.

Friday, 20 May 2016

Strength and structure

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It was close, but we found that a cylinder was stronger than a rectangular prism.

Strengths and structure

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The cylinder held the most objects without breaking.

Thursday, 19 May 2016

Ben's retell

WALT retell stories
Success criteria
-events in order.

We read a book and drew pictures to help us retell the story.

Retelling by Maddy

WALT retell stories
Success criteria
-events in order.

We read a book and drew pictures to help us retell the story.

Ben's maths

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WALT that the equals sign means 'same as', so a number sentence can be rearranged as long as it balances (like on a seesaw).

We are also learning about families of facts.

Lexie's maths

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WALT that the equals sign means 'same as', so a number sentence can be rearranged as long as it balances (like on a seesaw).

We are also learning about families of facts.

Connor's maths

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WALT that the equals sign means 'same as', so a number sentence can be rearranged as long as it balances (like on a seesaw).

We are also learning about families of facts.

My maths

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WALT that the equals sign means 'same as', so a number sentence can be rearranged as long as it balances (like on a seesaw).

We are also learning about families of facts.

Family of Facts

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WALT create families of facts.


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WALT that the equals sign means 'same as', so a number sentence can be rearranged as long as it balances (like on a seesaw).

Social time: my picture by Samuel

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Social time art - My Mum by Kasey

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Monday, 2 May 2016

What is an engineer?

Watch this video to find out what an engineer is. Then add a comment below. 
We wondered...what does specialised mean? 
Special words we learnt were: engineer, design
We found out that...
  • There are different kinds of engineers
  • Engineers design bridges and sometimes help to build them
  • Some of our dads designed things - this made them engineers
  • Microwaves were engineered

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Matai celebrates a clean and tidy playground.

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Year Threes Explore statistical literacy

We are exploring statistical literacy. Here are some of the graphs we looked at today. We used the words: most, least, more than, fewer than and 'compared too' to help us describe these graphs.

Tuesday, 12 April 2016


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WALT 'draw with scissors' like Matisse did. We had to think about colour, shape, space and use fine motor skills to cut the shapes out.

We were inspired by a bush walk through our school gardens.


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WALT 'draw with scissors' like Matisse did. We had to think about colour, shape, space and use fine motor skills to cut the shapes out.

We were inspired by a bush walk through our school gardens.


Easy Blog Photo

WALT 'draw with scissors' like Matisse did. We had to think about colour, shape, space and use fine motor skills to cut the shapes out.

We were inspired by a bush walk through our school gardens.


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WALT 'draw with scissors' like Matisse did. We had to think about colour, shape, space and use fine motor skills to cut the shapes out.

We were inspired by a bush walk through our school gardens.


Easy Blog Photo

WALT 'draw with scissors' like Matisse did. We had to think about colour, shape, space and use fine motor skills to cut the shapes out.

We were inspired by a bush walk through our school gardens.


Easy Blog Photo

WALT 'draw with scissors' like Matisse did. We had to think about colour, shape, space and use fine motor skills to cut the shapes out.

We were inspired by a bush walk through our school gardens.


WALT 'draw with scissors' like Matisse did. We had to think about colour, shape, space and use fine motor skills to cut the shapes out.

We were inspired by a bush walk through our school gardens.