Wednesday 1 April 2015

The first post of 2015!

It is almost the end of term 1 already. We have had a very busy term adapting to our new way of running things. However, we have had an awesome term together, with students and teachers alike enthused about learning.

We look forward to wrapping up the term with the school swimming sports (full of both fun and serious races). This will give our students a chance to show their skills. 

One of the highlights of this term was our visit to Whiskey Gully, a great opportunity to see our local area and go for a bush walk. This fantastic trip (thanks to parents and the Hughes from Blue Mountain Nurseries) helped students to hook into our inquiry this term based around the forest and the Matai tree.
 We have been investigating adaptations of birds, what makes a tree a tree (and how a tree works), and what a tree has to do with our school values. 

Next week we wrap up the inquiry as we put together a presentation showing our inquiry learning this term. 

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